Contrary to popular belief, not all pot that tastes like citrus or lemon has the limonene terpene. This common terpene gives a fruity or citrus-like flavor and a fresh scent that many stoners love. Limonene is also found in citrus fruits and juniper and is used for its stress and anxiety reducing properties.
Like the name suggests, pinene is found in pine trees, conifers, rosemary, dill, parsley, and basil plants and is the most common terpene on earth. In cannabis, the compound is often the second highest in concentration, but rarely the main terpene of a strain. Pinene is associated with reduced inflammation, pain, and anxiety.
Myrcene is the most prevalent cannabis terpene, representing roughly 20% of all terpenes in commercial marijuana. It gives off a distinct smell that resembles clove. The aromatic compound is also found in high quantities in mango, basil, lemongrass, and hops, a key ingredient in IPA beer. It has a calming, mild sedative effect and is also an analgesic.
One whiff of this therapeutic terpene will immediately transport you to a fragrant lavender field. Linalool gives lavender its characteristic scent. Plants with linalool are often used medicinally for aromatherapy purposes, anxiety reduction, and for their anti-microbial and anti-epileptic properties. Linalool isn’t found in high quantities in cannabis, and is rarely the most prominent terpene in a strain.
That diesel or spicy tingling associated with some of the most popular marijuana strains comes from the caryophyllene terpene. The antioxidant-rich compound is also found in black pepper, cinnamon, oregano, and cloves. There are numerous terpene benefits, and caryophyllene specifically can help treat inflammation, anxiety, depression, and more.

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